Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Like A Little Child

I think 8 years old might be the perfect age. 

Young enough to still be more sweet than sassy.
Old enough to really "get" the message of salvation.
Young enough to not fear persecution.
Old enough to be able to clearly verbalize the truth.
Young enough to care more about being with people than the computer.
Old enough to show real compassion.

From the school room my 8 year old, Reilly,  asks, " this statement true or false? 
"When you are a Christian, everything is happy and good." 

I answer the question and then my 6 year old pipes in with: "I'm a Christian now too!"

"You are?" I ask in surprise-having not heard a word of this before and knowing 
I haven't talked to him about it lately.

"Yeah." Simple as that. Done deal. Nothing complicated. 

I inquire: "Since when?"

With a cheeky smile he says, "Since the other day when Reilly told me how to do it."

"How to do it?" I say. "Well. what exactly did you have to do to become a Christian?"

"You know. She told me about Jesus dying for me and helped me pray to Him."

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
 Matthew 18:3

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  1. Just read your post and.... well... does it get any better than this??? "Like a little child...." So Precious!!! Than you for sharing that wonderful truth!!! :)

  2. Wonderful post!!!!! I found you from a wise woman link up. I was so blessed to read this today.

  3. Oh, to have the faith of a child! When we are young it is so simple, but for some reason as we get older we make it complicated. I pray for child like faith!!
