Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm The Queen!

Of Multi-tasking! 

As a Wife to One and Mommy to Six...I am constantly amazed at the number of things I can do at the same time!! Here are just a few of the things I found myself multi-tasking lately:

*  While talking on the phone I...washed the dishes, wiped the counters, swept the floor, and folded some laundry.
*  While waiting outside because my baby was napping in the car I....pulled a bunch of weeds, picked up all the little bits of trash off the lawn and driveway, folded the pool towels hanging on the fence and while at it caught a few nice rays of sunshine!
*  While cooking dinner and waiting in between steps I....cleaned some old stuff out of the fridge, organized one drawer, wiped down the little grate thingies in the stove, and bleached the sink.
*  While walking through any room I can even pick things up with my toes if carrying a child!!! That one's my party trick! Ha!

Every chore or task can usually be combined with at least one other to help me maximize my time "working" so I have more time for fun things later. 

Here are a few of my favorites that I thought others might like to try!

*  While my two year old plays in the bath-I clean the bathroom. I do this almost every time! Scrub the sink, the toilet, straighten up, wipe the floor...all can be done while singing fun bathtime songs so I am not ignoring her-but accomplishing something at the same time!
*  Crochet on the Go! I love to crochet-and look for any opportunity to do so. Recently I have found making squares that can be later put together is the perfect size project for me. I keep a bag of yarn and hook handy and anytime we go for a drive I bring it along. I can finish one whole square on the way to and from church!
*  I have started cleaning the showers after my shower. I use a cloth and spray cleaner. It only takes a minute or two-no one misses me as they know I'm in the shower anyway, and when the walls and tub are already wet it is much easier to clean.

We only have so much time to accomplish all our Mommy tasks and let's face it-we'd all rather play and have fun but sometimes the jobs are so overwhelming we can't see past them to stop-sit down-and enjoy the blessings God has given us. Multi-tasking is one way to get some of those jobs done together- therefore leaving more time for the better things.

Of course...not every thing you do should be multi-tasked. When reading a attention is on just the children and the book. When having a conversation in person-I think our eyes should be listening along with our ears. When praying or reading the Word of God.....we should BE STILL and know that HE IS GOD. Some times-are just one at time times...enjoy them-they're a blessing!!

Linked up at:

Like A Bubbling Brook



  1. Great post, Shannon! I also pick up everything with my feet. I agree...time with the Lord should never be done as a multi-task project. :)

  2. Your post made me smile. I can so relate; I think as a mom multi-tasking is an invaluable skill. I clean the bath too when my young ones are in there.

  3. I'm a pick things up with my feet gal, too. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone :) Visiting from the link up-- thanks for sharing!
